Crowd Control facilitates the sending of survey emails to your backers via the reward management dashboard. These emails include a first notification, reminder notification, and final notification.  First notifications are initiated by you based on reward tier. Reminder notifications are sent automatically according to your defined parameters (see below) to backers that have not completed their survey within the set time period. Final notifications are initiated manually. These emails can be customized in the following ways:

Sender name – the name that appears on Crowd Control survey emails.


Sender email – the email address that appears on Crowd Control survey emails.


Number of reminders – the total amount of reminders that Crowd Control will send to your backers (5 maximum.)


Reminder intervals (in days) – the frequency of reminder emails sent to backers that have not completed their survey, e.g. one reminder sent every four days, totaling five reminders.

Logo – the logo you want to include within your emails (maximum 150 px wide).

First, reminder, final notifications can all be customized individually with the following content:

Email subject


Pre-header text


Call to action text


Button text


Banner image (maximum 700px wide)


Create backer surveys


Send project update

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