
The Backers page is the access point for all backer data within Crowd Control. This page can be used to monitor survey activity for backers by project, pledge level, or on an individual basis. The survey details of an individual backer can be edited by clicking on a backer email address to access their individual page.

Backer table

Displays a project's backer data and an overview of survey activity. Use the dropdown menu at the top to view all backers or to segment backers by pledge level. Click on a backer’s email address to visit the backer's individual page and view more detailed information as it pertains to their pledge and survey.

Viewing options

The backer database can be sorted by pledge level and filtered by survey or notification activity status.


Survey status

Changes based on the progress of a backer through the Crowd Control system. Possible survey status include:

  • Setup pending  a survey has not yet been created for a backer.
  • Open – the backer has not yet completed their survey.
  • Complete – the backer has successfully completed checkout for their reward via Shopify.
  • Partial – The backer has completed checkout using their survey without depleting the survey credit.



Changes based on the notification status with Crowd Control. Possible survey status include:

  • Setup pending – you have not yet created notifications for backers.
  • Not sent – notifications have not been sent.
  • Sent – the backer has received the first notification.
  • Reminder (X) – the number of reminders (represented by X) that have been sent to a backer.
  • Final – the final reminder has been sent.



The add-on total for the backer will be displayed here when applicable.